Other language: Japanese (日本語)


Happy new year from Foxkeh and Mozilla! Thank you for taking interest in Foxkeh and sharing his wallpapers and blog parts on your computer desktops and blogs. This month Foxkeh is playing in the snow trying to make a snowman. If you have some illustration software, please add to the rest of the snowman for Foxkeh and link to us the image in the comments. We look forward to seeing what kind of snowman you would create for Foxkeh.


Eric Smith 2009/01/07 12:34

I really like these wallpapers!
I have collecting them from the time I
first came here. (August 2007)

Jennie 2009/01/10 19:38

I love y'alls wallpapers.
And Foxkeh is adorable. =3

Lilian 2009/01/13 18:24

i heart this website just like i heart
muhammed!!!! or i call hi mo-hunky!
oooooooo he is sooooooo hot!
i wish i would c him @ the pool!
p.s. i call mo a dork but i heart him!